Tuesday, April 7, 2015


Paul said, “I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through [Christ] who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:12-13 (NIV)
The art of being content is a very difficult lesson to learn. Very few people are really content for longer than a few hours at a time. By that I mean you will say you are content and have all you need then a few minutes later you discover an "I need" item. Is it a 'need' or a 'want'? A need is something that is vital to your health, welfare and well being and a want is just something that could make life a little easier. As I look around this morning I am very content with my material life and really there is nothing I desire that I don't already have in my possession.
But then I look at my spiritual life and I am far from content. I long for a closer walk with Jesus not just today but everyday. It is up to us on how we spend the 24 hours God blesses us with each day. Today, I need and want just a few more minutes with Jesus before I begin my day. There is always something I can give up in order to have this time but it is up to me on whether or not I choose to make my time with Jesus 'a need' or 'a want'. Today I am choosing to linger just a little longer on the back porch with my Lord.
Are you content today in where you are in your life and more importantly are you content in your spiritual walk with the Lord Jesus Christ?
Enjoy the blessings the Lord sends your way today and enjoy the flowers.


Diane | An Extraordinary Day said...

Betty... I think you're right, contentment is a process. Personally, in the midst of a spot in life I'd rather not be, God has given me an unusual amount of contentment. However, I've also discovered that it can all quickly go away if I allow my mind to go in certain directions. When it comes to our time with God... I think we're wired that we will never have enough until that time we see him face to face.

Have a blessed day my friend!

Diane | An Extraordinary Day said...

Betty... I think you're right, contentment is a process. Personally, in the midst of a spot in life I'd rather not be, God has given me an unusual amount of contentment. However, I've also discovered that it can all quickly go away if I allow my mind to go in certain directions. When it comes to our time with God... I think we're wired that we will never have enough until that time we see him face to face.

Have a blessed day my friend!

Frankie said...

Thank you for the great reminder about my "needs" and my "wants". : )